Saturday, August 18, 2012

The Anti-Inflammatory Diet

The Anti-Inflammatory, anti-aging, anti-illness, anti-acne, anti-feel bad Diet. 

 I have been on Dr. Andrew Weil's regiment for about a month now, before which I had never heard about. I never followed that USDA food pyramid before and always new the "nutrition facts provided were nonsense, and never really had any reason to pay attention to them. I never ate processed food, junk foods, oily or heavy foods, not much gluten or sugar to begin with. If it has more than 7 ingredients on the side of the bag or anything I can't say or identify, I don't eat it. I mean.... I never even take medicine or medications of any kind no matter the cold or period cramp, (you know unless someone tells me to stick the IV in my arm because I might die! There are extreme exceptions of course). I did allow on cheese but never bought milk or ate ice cream. In the past couple years I had cut down on meat consumption not only for moral reasons (like having a soft spot for fuzzy farm animals small and large) but also due to on going political an media exposure of the horrors of the meat industry that I was becoming more aware of. I've always been pretty much dairy free and didn't buy meat. I only ate these if they were given to me at a dinner party for example, as not to seem picky, rude or make a scene. Also, I swear by the statement "It's very easy if you make all your own food, which is not as time consuming as people make it out to be". All organic, natural, and local products were the way I rolled and many of my digestive problems disappeared, keeping in mind that I adopted other routines as well, such as fish oil capsules twice a day, ginger or peppermint tea at night, digestive yoga and massages and trail running.

I thought I was doing pretty well! I mean I was very healthy. But I'm always learning about new foods and I am very curious about food science, what could this possibly offer.

I noticed his picture right away and scoffed because I thought this guy was just another Dr. Oz or some doctor trying to make a buck. But like I said, my beloved therapist, who shares very similar lifestyle and opinions as my own, recommended him so I continued on... Then I started to read his websites, watch clips of his movies* and found that he is a huge supporter of alternative living. he promotes staying away from commercial food products and over prescribed medical drugs, both of which are ever changing, have very little evidence of success and a laundry list of side affects and adverse reactions, like the birth control I took for 2 1/2 years and the digestive medications that I taking four times a day for 8 years. I had problems that I never dreamt possible. Dr. Weil calles it a mix of sense and nonsense, especially anti-aging products, beauty medical and supplements.
Dr. Andrew Weil's Anit-Inflammatory Pyramid
photo cred:  

So. Here I was drowning in his wealth of knowledge concerning food & cancers of South East Asian cultures, Jewish death rituals, his experience with depression/SSRI's, spices, foreign fruits and veggies, vitamins (synthetic and natural), and his 12 point program to name a few!! Of course not all applied to me but I learned a lot of things that I never expected! Enriching to say the least.

Here are my reactions to the diet, after a month or so.

I did not have to change much but have learned more about the science behind the healthy foods that I was used to eating. For example, slow vs quick digesting carbohydrates and that the slow help reduce the inflammatory responses in the body. Before I was very restrictive at home so that I could have fun when I went out. Now I am a little more upfront and outspoken about my restrictions and don't buy anything pre-made even if it is organic or natural. I make everything and use lots of fresh food. After researching his recommended spices and anti-inflammatory list of foods ( I also looked up the science behind not only out of curiosity but because it almost acts as motivation) I have used more of those ingredients in my cooking, such as turmeric, a spice which you can about on my blog. For the only part, it that has been difficult of an adjustment for me but the sweets... which is supposed to be only 70% dark chocolate. I cut suger before (no high-fructose, no produced or packaged sweets and never ordered desserts at restaurants) but I liked to bake once in a while and I was smart about my ingredients so now I only have a piece or two of dark chocolate and save my baked goods for friends and family, that's right! no. licking. the. bowl.

I hope this has been enlightening for you as well. If you were considering his message just another gimmick or diet, I hope you'll reconsider. Below I have listed his websites, his school in Arizona (The Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine), and other helpful links. Take a look!

*Dr. Weil, doesn't like the term diet, because it's goal is not to lose weight, although some people making drastic changes might.

***Please PLEASE read my upcoming piece on the hidden post side affects after coming of long term use of birth control!!! It will discuss the hormonal side affects that doctors and OBs never ever tell, but only after it's too late. 

*available on Netflix, Dr. Weil : Healthy Aging, Dr Weil : Guide to Eating Well, etc.
       on Herbs and Supplements:
      Head to Toe Wellness Guide:
      Recipes and Cooking:
      Mental Health:
     Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine

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